
Showing posts from September, 2019

Aluminum found in Brains of People with Alzheimer's - new study 2018

Aluminum in the Brains of those with Alzheimer’s Disease – Dennis N. Crouse Prior Studies: ·          In 2005 Andrasi, et al. measured aluminum levels in specific brain regions (e.g. hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and two areas of the frontal cortex) of three AD patients and 3 non-demented controls.   Compared to the controls there was a 2.6-fold to 6.8-fold higher aluminum levels in these regions of the AD brain 1 . In 2009 Fjell, et al., looking at 142 healthy controls and 122 people with AD, found that these same regions of the brain had the most atrophy in those with AD compared to controls 2 . ·          In 2011 Russina, et al, measured both aluminum and mercury in the brains of 28 histologically-confirmed cases of AD and 27 healthy controls. There was a four-fold higher level of aluminum in the hippocampus of the AD patients compared to the controls.   There was no difference in ...