A review of my book Silica Water the Secret of Healthy Blue Zone Longevity in the Aluminum Age

Silica Water: The Secret To Health and Long Life?

Dennis N. Crouse, PhD, a Harvard-trained chemist, has written an incredible book that could revolutionise our understanding of health and long life. ‘Silica Water The Secret Of Healthy Blue Zone Longevity In The Aluminium Age’ shows us, in fascinating and meticulously researched detail, how populations who regularly consume silica-rich waters have markedly longer lives than those who don’t, as well as experiencing dramatically lower levels of Alzheimer’s disease, breast and prostate cancers, and heart disease.

Aluminium and Alzheimer’s Disease
Dr. Crouse first began investigating the benefits of silica-rich water when his elderly mother developed the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Desperate not to watch her descend into the devastating end stages of AD, Crouse devoted himself to scouring the scientific literature to find a causal factor of AD. The evidence he discovered clearly pointed to aluminium as a direct contributor to the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Continuing his studies, Dr. Crouse learned of the groundbreaking theory linking silica consumption to aluminium excretion, and that silica-rich waters were the only science-backed therapy for removing aluminium from the body.
Crouse immediately started his mother on a silica-rich water, and very quickly started to see results. Her memory rapidly improved, and, now in her mid-nineties, his mother is in robust good health, with no remaining signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

Silica Water’s Astonishing Effects
Thrilled by these results, Dr. Crouse made it his life’s mission to share the benefits of silica-rich water with as many people as possible. ‘Silica Water The Secret Of Healthy Blue Zone Longevity In The Aluminium Age’ explores healthy, long-lived populations from around the world, from areas as diverse as Okinawa, Japan, and Villagrande, Sardinia, and shows that the one thing they uniformly have in common is that they consume silica-rich water daily.
Crouse also explores the history and development of ‘The Aluminium Age’, and demonstrates how this now-ubiquitous metal is highly likely to play a role in many degenerative diseases; not just those associated with ageing, but also chronic childhood conditions, such as autism and seizures. Crouse’s research suggests that consuming a silica-rich water may have therapeutic effects for these conditions as well.

‘A Must-Read’
‘Silica Water The Secret Of Healthy Blue Zone Longevity In The Aluminium Age’ is a must-read for anyone serious about protecting and preserving their health, and is an accessible and enjoyable read for scientists and non-scientists alike.

For the chance to win a FREE copy of ‘Silica Water The Secret Of Healthy Blue Zone Longevity In The Aluminium Age’, simply email us at hello@aquasil.co.uk with your contact details, including a postal address, email, and mobile phone number. A winner will be chosen at random on 1st April 2019, and they will be notified that same day.
‘Silica Water The Secret Of Healthy Blue Zone Longevity In The Aluminium Age’ is available at Amazon.
Silica-rich waters from around the world are available at our shop for UK and EU customers, and are currently running at a 10% discount with the code Arnica10.


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