A review of my book Silica Water the Secret of Healthy Blue Zone Longevity in the Aluminum Age
This review was done in March 2019. You can find this review at https://aquasil.co.uk/silica-water-the-secret-to-health-and-long-life/?fbclid=IwAR312jLZjec3S-m-M-nlHcu6ozMmew0wjAirhOGIq4bWfK16gkbEk4dSXuk Order book https://www.amazon.com/Silica-Secret-Healthy-Longevity-Aluminum-ebook/dp/B07JWC767S/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=silica+water+the+secret&qid=1588254223&s=digital-text&sr=1-1 Silica Water: The Secret To Health and Long Life? Dennis N. Crouse, PhD, a Harvard-trained chemist, has written an incredible book that could revolutionise our understanding of health and long life. ‘Silica Water The Secret Of Healthy Blue Zone Longevity In The Aluminium Age’ shows us, in fascinating and meticulously researched detail, how populations who regularly consume silica-rich waters have markedly longer lives than those who don’t, as well as experiencing dramatically lower levels of Alzheimer’s disease, breast and prostate cancers, and heart disease. A...